Baxidil SE 6g (48 Sachet)

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BAXIDIL SE is indicated for the prevention and treatment of respiratory and systemic infections, particularly infectious coryza, CRD-E.coli complex, colibacillosis, pullorum disease, fowl cholera and coccidiosis in poultry and fighting cocks. In swine, BAXIDIL SE can be used as an effective treatment for post-weaning scours, MMA, foot rot, salmonellosis, arthritis, pneumonia and greasy pig disease.

Dosage and Administration: Administer through the drinking water during the day and give fresh water at night


Gamefowls Dissolve 1 tsp (3 grams) per gallon of drinking water from 15 to 30 days of age.

Swine Dissolve 1 tsp (3 grams) per gallon of water for 3 to 5 days

Treatment : Dissolve 2 tsp (6 grams) per gallon of drinking water for 3 to 5 days

***Not to be given to pregnant animals, birds in active laying and in animals producing milk for human consumption.